Gavin Andersson
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Co-founder: Unbounded Organization Academy
- English
- Setswana
- German
- Afrikaans
Current Writing
- Poverty Solutions
- Un Concepto de Economía Solidaria: Organización Ilimitada
- Aligning across sectors for the common good equals unbounded organizing Myoung-Hee Kim
- Ending mass unemployment and poverty
- Why Saving the Biosphere is Impossible Now and the Unbounded Approach to Making It Possible
Popular Videos

Gavin Andersson on the Origins of the Concept
Gavin Andersson gives a brief introduction on the origins of the concept of Unbounded Organization, starting with his childhood on Tristan da Cunha island, continuing with his cooperatives in Botswana, and the Organisation Workshop (OW) of Clodomir de Morais and Iván Labra. Gavin Andersson is the director of the Seriti Institute in the Johannesburg Area, South Africa. This presentation took place in Pretoria/Tshwane, South Africa on 30th May 2013, and was supported by Howard Richards. Evelin Lindner did the video recording. The concept of Unbounded Organisation relates to other concepts as well, see, for example, Transformation by Enlargement, or Unity and Diversity.

Gavin Andersson on Kurt Lewin and Lev Vygotsky
Gavin Andersson presents Kurt Lewin’s as showing in some respects a bounded approach, while the activity theory pioneered by Lev Vygotsky shows an unbounded approach, see also Transformation by Enlargement, and Unity and Dignity. Gavin Andersson is the director of the Seriti Institute in the Johannesburg Area, South Africa. This presentation took place in Pretoria/Tshwane, South Africa, on 30th May 2013, and was supported by Howard Richards. Evelin Lindner did the video recording. The concept of Unbounded Organisation relates to other concepts as well, see, for example, Transformation by Enlargement, or Unity and Diversity.